Gangnam Takeover

The Gangnam Takeover was an event on the Sexeyparfaitcooki3 youtube channel, it consisted of exclusively Gangnam Style rips.

The storyline goes that PSY took over the channel, and started infecting the original descriptions and titles of the videos, and making all the rips Gangnam Style. Then, the owner of the channel then found out what was happening and kicked him out.

The event happened because it was Gangnam Style's 10th anniversary

The original image was lost to time, but an accurate recreation was made by the owner of Sexeyparfaitcooki3.

This was the recreation of the channel avatar when the takeover was happening.

Episode list:
To the Sunshine Forest - Mother 3
Twinkle Elementary (chodeunghaggyo) - MOTHER/Earthbound Beginnings
Storm Eagle Style - Mega Man X
Your Name Please? - Earthbound (with style)
Title Theme - Mega STYLE 2
Driftveil City- Wop ma GANGNAM style, the video game
Unfounded Style / Smashing Song of Style - Super Style Bros. Brawl
Boss Theme (Stylistic Mix) - Plok!
Introduction - Cuphead: “Don’t Deal with the Style”
Title Theme - Random Fake Game Made to be used for Conveniently used for Easy to Make Rips
Relax - I Love You Colonel Sanders: A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator
The Water’s Great - Mother 3